
Building an Home Extension

How to Carry Out a Fruitful Steel Fabrication Project

If you are about to carry out a steel fabrication project, it's essential to prepare adequately — a lot of effort and skill is required. While most people rely on the fabrication expert to do everything, it's always advisable to play your part to ensure everything is handled as planned. This post will outline tips on how to prepare for a steel fabrication project, whether large or small, and succeed. Read More 

A Mindful Garden: What to Put in a Garden for Alzheimer’s Sufferers

Do you know someone that suffers from Alzheimer's disease? Are you exploring ways in which you can help to improve their life and hopefully their condition? Then, if you have the space, you should consider creating a garden for them. According to research, gardening can reduce the risk of dementia, of which Alzheimer's is the most common cause, by 50 percent. And that's not the only benefit. Design your garden well, and an Alzheimer's gardener will benefit in a number of ways. Read More 

The 3 Small Details You Need to Fix Before You Sell Your Property

Selling your home or business can sometimes feel like selling a part of your own body; it's hard, intrusive, and feels like the wrong thing to do the whole time. However for many people, it makes sense to take a step back and sell their business or to look for a change in lifestyle and move houses, so it is not always a bad thing. When you do decide you want to sell your property you should try and maximise the profits because you only get to sell it once. Read More 

How to clean a recently painted outdoor deck

So you've taken the first step towards breathing life into your outdoor deck by applying a fresh coat of paint. Great. Now you'll need to schedule proper maintenance over time to prevent the deck from looking old or rusty. Being outdoors, the paint on your deck can accumulate dust, grime and all sorts of dirt over time. Make sure you keep up with your cleaning routine to increase the longevity of your fresh coat of paint. Read More 

How to Get Rid of Internal Moisture Caused by Rainy Conditions

Living in Australia, you may love the climate and the fact that you can enjoy the outdoor lifestyle all year round. However, you understand that you will have to deal with high humidity and frequent semi-tropical rainstorms and will have to take steps to protect your property from the associated consequences. If your house is particularly exposed to the prevailing wind and rain, you may have noticed some problems inside due to moisture penetration and may wonder what you can do about it. Read More 

About Me

Building an Home Extension

Hello, my name is Wendy and this is my construction blog. I do not work in the construction industry myself, but I have spent the last 7 months of my life with construction workers and contractors as they designed and built an extension to my property. I had always dreamed of extending my home so we could enlarge the kitchen and have an additional bedroom on the second-floor. My husband always objected, but when I won some money on the lotto, he couldn't stop me. The contractors were really great and I got a real insight into the industry so I decided to start this blog.

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